Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Are We Romans 1?

Bear with me on this one.

Paul's primary purpose in his letter to the Roman church is to demonstrate to them that righteousness, salvation, right standing before God, is a gift and cannot be earned. But before he can present this gift (righteousness that comes from faith in Jesus Christ) he has to convince his readers that they are lacking and in need. So in the first portion of the letter, Paul makes the case that all have sinned and fall short of God's glory. To introduce his case, Paul tells the church to simply open their eyes and see that God's wrath is being executed. Paul says that God's wrath is revealed against those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. The creation itself testifies not only to God's existence, but also to His character and nature (vs. 20). However, the result of unrighteousness is the supression of the truth. So we see that Atheism is not an intellectual problem. It is a moral problem.
To me, the most interesting and horrific thing about this passage is how Paul defines the wrath of God..."Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them."(Romans 1:24 NASB). So God's wrath in Romans 1 is a giving over. It seems that God's wrath is God giving people over to sin. I don't believe that Paul is telling us that this is the totality of God's wrath. We are given some very graphic imagery in Revelation of the culmination of God's wrath. However, I do think Paul is telling us that this is how we see God's wrath being displayed in this present age.
Now, what is even more interesting is exactly how this "giving over" plays out. In verses 26-28 Paul tells us that the result of God's giving them over is homosexuality. Why is homosexuality the specific sin that is manifested when God gives them over? I think the answer is in verse 28..."And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,". It seems that there is a link (I would say culturally) between the spiritual sin of denying God and the physical manifestation of homosexuality. This makes sense because God sees Himself as a groom, and He sees His people as His Bride. My thought is this: Since marriage was created to be a physical picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church, maybe homosexuality is the physical picture of a people, who were created to love and honor God, turning away from God and worhsipping themselves. In other words, it seems that God's wrath toward idolatry is giving people over to their own depravity, resulting in homosexuality.
This has also made me wonder if God's wrath also has other physical manifestations to correlate to different spiritual sins. I know this might sound a little crazy, and I'm not claiming that it is Truth. It's just something that I have wondered about. Please let me know your thoughts.

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