Monday, October 26, 2009

All Things? Again

My last post was called "All Things?" Discussing Romans 8:28, I wanted to show that in the midst of God's sovereignty He has promised His children that He never stops working for them out of love. And nothing is beyond His purpose. We never have to fear that God is smiting us out of judgement or restitution. He does, in fact, discipline the one's He loves. But His discipline is always because of His love. This is because Jesus bore God's wrath on the Cross. Now, for those who are united to Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation, no wrath, no judgement, no vindication. There is only love.

I wanted to talk a little more about this because my pastor (Bro. David) and I have begun to realize that God is experientially walking us through the things that we are teaching. We have taught about being satisfied only in Jesus. We have taught about God's endless and sufficient grace. And we have taught about God's love and discipline (realizing that everything that God does in the lives of His children is out of His love for His children.) In all of these Biblical truths, God will not allow us to simply know them in our minds. He is causing us to experience them. We are being forced to live them out. Sometimes my initial response has been to complain, or to fear, or to feel despair. The path to understanding that Jesus is to be valued more than any earthly possession or relationship can be a path filled with loss and pain. The path to understanding that God's grace in the Cross of Christ is powerful enough to reach to the lowest and most vile sinner can be a path paved with much shame and regret. And the path to understanding that God always works for the good of His children can be a path that demands letting go of dreams, denouncing wrong ideas, and truly trusting God with every breath. I am finding that walking, experiencing, living out these paths, is God's desire for His children. He doesn't want us to simply have a mental understanding of these truths learned from a Sunday School book or a devotional. He wants us to know, truly know. And truly knowing means experiencing. Oh, how deep God's love is for us, that He would guide our every step, through pain, tears, loss, blessing, hope, fulfillment, and joy for the sole GOOD purpose of knowing Him and Jesus Christ whom He sent!


  1. Tim,

    Andrew preached an excellent message on this verse yesterday. You can get the audio from our website:

  2. As a co-laborer, I am walking with you and praying that you and Bro David would learn to rest in the finished work of Christ, resting in the faithful One who always did what was pleasing to the Father.
    Great article Bro.
    Bro Dick


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